Saturday 21 June 2008

My journey

Some of you may know me through my other blog, but as I don't feel particularly comfortable blogging about my faith journey on my 'anything goes' blog, I thought that I'd set up a new one. One where I will discuss Christianity and chat about my ups and downs as I learn just what my faith means to me.

Although I have been brought up in a Christian faith, I didn't consider myself to be particularly aware of Christianity means to me, after all, we only really went to Church at Christmas and Easter and did not discuss faith issues at home. So, up until a few weeks ago I always knew that there was a God - how could I not when the beauty of the world around me revealed his Hand in it!

But I never really gave it much thought, 'it' being the Bible, the Lord, my faith, the Church and so on! I forget where the original desire to find out more came from, but a few weeks ago I became conscious of a fierce need to know more. That being so, I dug out the Bible, bought a few books and found a lot of online stuff (not to mention all those blogs!) and have started to experiment with a few local Churches to see which one suits me.

Having said that, I am finding it difficult to get going with the Bible as I have no idea where to start, or how to read it with thought instead of just reading for the sake of reading if you see what I mean.

And that, basically, is what this blog is about - my grappling with my faith and just what it means to me and how I can live my life according to that faith, and I hope that you will accompany me, guide me, pick me up when I stumble, and smile with me when it begins to make sense!


Anonymous said...

love the new blog, great idea! the Bible can be a bit daunting and overwhelming so I like to read the Psalms, the book of John, Hebrews, Romans. there are other great books too like Ruth, Esther, Solomon. Reading the bible and studying the bible are 2 different things so when you pick it up, just decide which of the two you are doing and go from there. good luck and God bless you!

Edie said...

Hi Sam - I'm so excited for you as you begin your journey. God has clearly called you and set your heart on fire to know Him! I didn't know where to begin reading in the Bible when I first began either. That's another story. May I suggest beginning in the New Testament and ask God to reveal His Truths to you and not allow the enemy any influence. I will love watching you grow in Christ!