Friday 4 July 2008

Understanding the Word

At the moment, I am reading pretty much everything except the Bible. I am reading other people's opinions and perceptions of God, the Gospels and the rest of the Bible.

While these other insights are very interesting and offer me a gentle way into the Bible and what God means for me to hear, I wonder if I am avoiding the Bible itself as it is rather a hefty tome with somewhat small print!!

I have bought a book with a study guide at the back as some way of getting me started, it's called Victory over the Darkness and it has about 120 pages in the back that asks the reader to think about their identity in Christ and what the Bible means to them.

As I am still reading the Harry Potter Gospel book, and the Invisible God by Yancey, I am reluctant to start another book without finishing those first; and yet I wonder if I am missing something here. Of course I am missing something, but I get the feeling that I shouldn't be too eager to read God's Word if I am not quite ready for it; in the meantime though, I am enjoying reading all those blogs out there - who knew that were quite so many of you!!

I am interested to know how you first approached the Bible - had you always read it since you were a child? Did you attend a study group that enabled you all to find your own way through discussion with like-minded people? Did you find an appropriate book that made you think about your own Christianity and how you yourself related to the Bible? I'm curious!


Lily said...

Hi...I find myself doing the same thing you do. When I first became a Christian I was a fireball. I loved to read the bible, and not one day went by that I didn't read. I was plugged into the Youth Group and a Life Group.

As the years go by, I find myself reading more of the "spiritual growth" books, than the bible itself. I read everyday, but I am not as excited as I used to be.

One thing I know; no matter how interesting, spirit-filled, or life changing books are, nothing can, or should replace the bible. I have to remind myself this.

Edie said...

Sweet Sam - I love what I am seeing take place in you. It is the Holy Spirit that brings these types of questions to mind. Satan will do anything to keep you from reading the Bible because he knows it is a LIVING book. It is God-breathed. Other books, as long as they hold true to what the Bible says and what it means, are good to read. Take a look at my fav books list - I love to read, but all other reading must be held in scrutiny to what the Bible says. If you haven't read the Bible, you don't really know if what you are reading is in line with God's Word or someone else's opinions, as you have already (wisely) questioned.

The Bible is, in no way "too deep" for you. That is a lie of the enemy. One he uses on a lot of people. It is the job of the Holy Spirit to give you understanding, and He Will. He already is!

When I first became a Christian, 18years ago, I did not go to church, I did not know any Christians, and I would not listen to anyone's thoughts because I had received so much wrong information that I was convinced that no one knew the Truth but they all just wanted to give their opinions. And they were all different opinions! I had an old King James Bible. The one that uses the old language, "thee", "thou", and all those "-eths" at the endeth of words. Like you, I thought that I wouldn't be able to understand it but I started reading it anyway. I even began in the most difficult book to understand, Revelations. Even with that, God spoke to me and illuminated His Word to my heart, and gave me a deeper hunger and thirst until all I wanted to do was read the Bible. There is Nothing, and I mean Nothing, that is greater than that kind of hunger.

Other books may give you some knowledge but God's Word will make you fall deeply in love with the One who made you. I can't wait to see how He speaks to you.

Sorry this is so long. :)
edie7777 at tx dot rr dot com

Melanie said...

I tend to do the same thing, but know that the ultimate is to spend time "in the Word". Actually reading the Bible. I have approached it several way throughout my life... participating in Bible Studies, purchasing and using devotional book to use alongside my Bible, or just sitting down and choosing a book of the Bible to start reading.

Regardless of how you approach it, though, I can guarantee that God will work in your life and thru the scriptures you read.

Have a blessed week!

Sheila said...

Hey Sam!

I haven't been by much...busy with the kiddos, but I love these posts your writing...really opening yourself up, it's great!

I agree with Edie. Satan is a liar and is always whispering stuff in our heads to keep us from asking for God to reveal Himself to us as we read His word. I've been a Christian since I was 16 and here at age 34 he's still trying to keep me from reading the Bible.

I encourage you to get alone with a Bible and ask God to reveal HImself to you. I'd encourage you to just start reading, like Edie said, if you're hungry for Him He can reveal Himself to you anywhere.

I'd encourage you to lay aside other interesting and maybe very good spiritual books, especially right now while you're really seeking to develop a relationship with God. Reading other stuff and not the Bible while you're seeking to understand God's word would be like feasting on cookies and cakes while you're trying to get lean and's just not what you need right now as your primary "diet" of God's word.

Although I had input from church growing up in a church family and read my bible on occasion, it wasn't until I was in my 30's that I really started just crying out to God to reveal who the REAL Jesus is to me and what His ways are, and I would read through the Psalms and anywhere, and He would always meet me right where I was at.

I don't think anyone can tell you where or how to start, you already have that feeling that something's missing cause God's doing a work to draw you to Himself- respond to it. Don't brush it off. Read the Bible and talk to God honestly...ask Him to reveal Himself to you. I trust He will!

And I'm sure all your days, if they were full of Bible reading, would not exhaust the supply of wisdom and life to be found in it. It is a living book!

Can't wait to hear what's going on with you next!

Prayin' for ya!