will trust.....then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent.
Psalm 91: verses 2 and 10.
I had to rummage around to find this particular verse, but it means so very much to me today as I came very close to an accident on the motorway on the way to work this morning. The car in front of me started to pull out into the middle lane and then changed his mind (probably saw another car in the way!) and swerved back into our lane, but in doing so lost control and started weaving across the road until the car ended up crashing against the central divide and facing oncoming traffic.
Fortunately, although it looked bad, it did not appear that anyone was hurt, aside from the driver's credit card which will be needed to realign the steering and straighten the bodywork. I have seen the aftermath of many accidents but have never actually one happen right before my eyes and so I was rather shocked, in fact much to my surprise I started shaking and crying a little bit once I realised that I was safe.
We have just contacted the police and found out that it was just one car involved and no injuries and the police know that I am happy to be a witness if necessary but at present they don't believe that to be necessary.
The rainbow in the above picture reminds us of the Lord's covenant and His protection and the keeping of his promise that He will always protect us and I thought that this was rather apt for today's Word Filled Wednesday. Incidentally the photo was taken from my bedroom window in July 2007.
Oh my! I am so thankful that you are okay. Accidents are terribly unsettling. I'm thankful for His great protection of you and that no one was terribly hurt. Your picture is so beautiful and so peaceful.
I am glad you (& everyone else!) are ok! Thank you for sharing. God is indeed our strength & fortress, a very present help in trouble!
Wonderful verse. I'm glad you made it through your drive. God is so good to us all the time.
He truly is our protection and strength. Thank God we can trust Him and thank God you are safe!
Praise God for taking care of you sweetie. I love this verse, and beautiful rainbows.
So very thankful that you are okay and that no one else was injured. What a blessing!
This verse is one that always brings comfort to me... so glad you shared it today.
Happy WFW!
Thank God for his protection of you! I bet that was stressful! I like your photo - it reminds us of God's promises and it is so comforting.
glad you're okay, and glad the person driving was okay! Thanks for sharing that meaningful moment with us!
I can imagine you were shaken just seeing that take place. It's very scary to go through something like that, much less witness it. I love the promise the rainbow of God holds. Very beautiful picture and a wonderful verse!
Praising God for protecting you from that accident. They do tend to shake you a bit, don't they! What a sweet comfort that nothing can harm us that hasn't first passed through His will. Thank you for sharing this beautiful and peaceful photo.
I am so thankful that you were not injured, and thanks for sharing the rainbow, I just love rainbows, they have appeared in my life at very pertinent times, even double rainbows!
I'm so glad you are ok Sam. What a beautiful double rainbow! God is so Awesome! Blessings -
What a beautiful picture and reminder that God is here with us daily.
I am so glad you are okay, but I can understand how shaken up you must have been. Again, another sign that God has his hand on us!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and for your kind words. He is there; I just need to love myself enough to know He loves me no matter what I am feeling about myself.
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